Tuesday, June 30, 2009

(105 degrees) HOT!!!

Sorry I haven't written. I hope summer is going great for you guys. Last week the temp. rechead 105 degrees. GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!!!!!!! What is the sun up to? Trying to cook us alive? We're not chickens you know!
I'm glad it rained last night, maybe it'll cool down for awhile so we actually enjoy summer vacation. I'm staying inside during the day, my mom makes us. Anyway, this friday we might go on a road trip or to an amusemnt park (never been to one, first time for everything).

It's sad that Michael Jackson died. I used to listen to his songs when I was little. Especially the ABC one I ed that song!!!!!!!!!!

God rest his soul, and have mercy the people he left behind!!!!

african bk

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Ummmm........Hey guys! I'm really sorry about not writting for such a long time. Really, I AM SOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, how's everyone doing? I'm doing great! I got an A on the Math Taks don't know about the Reading Taks! 4 more days 'till school is over, can't wait. I'm NOT looking forward to my Science Benchmark ON THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!! Pretty weird that they decided to put the Bechmark on the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I've also learned that some schools closed on Friday, May 29th,09. SUPRISE! SUPRISE!
Well I hope everyone has a great summer, and that you all had a great school year and if you didn't it's ok make it all up during summer vacation. Take those swimsuits out of the closet and HIT THE POOL!!!!!!! Just don't do anything DANGEROUS we want all of you back in tip-top shape when school starts so we can all discuss about the FUN/SAFE summer we had. Also if your a GIRL we all know we'll be talking about SUMMER CRUSHES!!!! (OMG! he's soo CUTE) favorite girly phrase at SBMS!!!!!!!!


Friday, February 20, 2009


You won't believe this, violin is soo hard and we have district concerts soon. Soo excited but the music is soo hard, not really but still i'm sorta scared because i'm playing with the advanced level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to PRACTICE!!!!!!! PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!!!

African Bk

Thursday, January 15, 2009


HI everybody!!!!!!!!!!! What's new? Not many things are going on, my new friend M is still talkative. This second semester is going to be a little harder, but it'll definitely be more fun. I know my teachers better and I know what to do and the expectations. In orchestra it's a little harder but Ms. S is very nice and helpful.

Anyway i'd like to know what's goin' on outside SBMS (Spring Branch Middle School)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

African BK

Friday, November 28, 2008

Day After Thanksgiving!!!

Hi guys!!! How was your Thanksgiving, mine was fun. My brother came here and helped out with the preparations. Later we went to BlockBuster to check out movies. I met A there she was so energetic, we talked and then I had to go.
When we came home the turkey was ready, and we watched our first movie. Then my little brother went to take a shower, then I went. After that we ate. I ate lots of ice-cream and apple pie. My brothers and dad ate a lot of turkey, my mom ate this and that. It was fun.

Today, I slept in. I woke up at 11 something in the morning. I slept late last night.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving,

African BK

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ok so I was totaly wrong about my project. I found tons of info. I was just a little impatient.
I've turned my project now I have to wait for my grade.

Well i guess I've learned something out of this, " BE PATIENT".

Yours Trully,
African Bk.

P.S. I really don't think I'm spelling Patient right!!!!!!!!!!! I think I am, I'll go check the Dictionary!!!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Hi! guys I'm back this time not so excited. My teacher gave us a project to do it's due on the 18th but the problem is I can't find any info. about my part of the project. It's not going so well. Even though we just recieved info. on this project today. Gotta Dash!!!!!!!!!!!!